Managing Life in a Pandemic Project

Due Date: Thursday, April 30th

If you are currently enrolled in Freshman Seminar, this project will be your wok for BOTH classes this week.


Create a website about one of the following choices:

Ways to Organize Yourself During Remote Learning

Ways to Socialize Safely During Self Isolation

Ways to Self Care During Self Isolation

Want to see a sample completed project? Click Me!

Ways to self care in a pandemic

By:Abigale paredes

Why self care ?

Self care is very important especially with this pandemic because alot of people are new to this and don't know what to expect in future after this. So it is important to stay calm and use this quartine as a recovering center to recover and heal from anything. Below are some advice/tips on what things you can do for your self care recovering time!!

Advice #1:Journal your thoughts and emotions either by just writting it out or maybe making a song or poem ect

This will allow the brain to recover and organize your thoughts, help you be less stressed and more calm during this pandemic.It's important to make sure to be calm at these dangours times because it will prevent you from doing something overwhelming.

Advice #2: Take a warm bath once in a while with some epsom salt

Taking a warm bath once in a while with epsom salt will help to get your blood moving due to the heat, also help sore or tight muscles to relax. In addition epsom salt in your warm bath has shown that it helps reduce inflammation in your joints. Not only will this help your relax but it's also beneficial for your body.

Advice #3: Excersize it can be maybe going outside for a walk with your dog or family memeber or hiking also just at home excerize that are avaliable on youtube.

You want to make sure that the body is getting the excersize it needs and that you are drinking alot of water so that you won't be dehydrated. This will always keep your mind of things and breath some freash air and see new things and explore new areas.

Advice #4:Making sure you are getting about 8 or more hours of sleep

Having a constant sleeping schedule is important because if you don't get enough sleep hours in then you will wake up with no energy and will not be prepared from the day,especially with this remote learning you have to be on top of your game so that your grades won't flunck.

Advice #5: Eating healthy because even though we are in quartine it is important to be healthy and eat good

It is important to eat healthy because if you don't take care of your eating habbits then it will affect you in the long run.